We have found our favorite way to harvest our annual sweet corn crop is to blanch it, cut it off the cob and freeze it.
First we pick it.
Then we cut the ends off and remove the husk. We stock pile the corn on cookie sheets as it waits for blanching.
We put the corn in the instant pots with about an inch or two of water in the bottom. Set the timer on the instant pot for…
3 minutes
Depressurized the instant pot and remove the blanched corn. We normally put the blanched corn into 9×13 glass pyrex pans.
Allow the corn to cool for a few minutes. Then we cut the corn off the cobs using a scewer and large knife. Get close the cob but not too close as it is not fun to eat corn with crunchy cob bits in it. We scrape the corn off the cutting board into a 32 cup tupperware bowl. THIS IS A MESSY PROCESS. We put a bucket on the floor for composting the cobs. After all the corn is off the cobs, we put the corn in quart or gallon ziplock bags. We like to flatten then out and suck the air out. It is easier to break apart for smaller uses and sucking the air out helps keep it fresh. Enjoy your delicious sweet corn year round.